This what I found outside Klenteng at China Town, unfortunately I can't found any interesting Chinese to photo.
Enjoy my photography, Peeps :D
Enjoy my photography, Peeps :D
Yulia Rahmawati on: "JUST ANOTHER LUNAR YEAR - PART 2"
Location: Pondok, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Camera: Canon EOS 450D

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Yulia Rahmawati
25 comment
awesome, nice pic, cool
ReplyDeleteJust amazing. Together both parts ( 1 ans 2) are a documentary in pictures ( in beautiful pictures). It reminds me of famous (female) photographers over here {like Rineke Dijkstra - [http://www.stedelijkmuseum.nl/oc2/page.asp?PageID=912 -] or Bertien van Manen - [http://www.google.nl/search?q=bertien+van+manen&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:nl:official&client=firefox-a)]}
ReplyDeleteloving the water lili pictures, its quiet pleasant to see it :) and also, I love your photography works, they kinda define the beauty of the surroundings very well :D
ReplyDeletenice post n grettingts...
ReplyDeletegreat captured!
like those chairs... they looks classic,
three man in a pick up car are also great...
mbak yulll....
ReplyDeleteapa kabar ny neh ?
gmbarny manis2.... ^^
salam kenal mba lia...Hmmm good Job mba..Fotonya kereeeen, o ya I Like Your Blog, I Follow U yah..Kalo Sempet Follback ya mba...Tq.
ReplyDeletenice pict... suksessss:)
ReplyDeleteSalam sis. I am loving the photos. :) what's your camera?
ReplyDeletebtw, i awarded you in my blog.
ReplyDeletehow are u doing
thanks you for cool comment
i like Ur new pictures
great photography
bagus banget, pinter milih angle foto.
ReplyDeleteboleh deh, kapan-kapan jadi foto modelnyaa..
paling suka foto yang nomor tujuh dari atas.
ReplyDeletetahu deh foto yang ada kursi ama nyiru nya itu...pasti isinya kacang tanah kan dan itu ada di perumahan di pondok...hehehe...^_^
*aku jur Teknik Lingkungan.. ^_^
aku suka bagian kursi. kelabu di pinggir2 foto, mengelilingi bingkainya, memperkut gambar
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos :)
ReplyDeleteSuka banget dg template barunya. Keren...
ReplyDeleteShasa suka bunga2nya...
ReplyDeletebeautiful colors, cool pics
ReplyDeleteLove the lily pads! Always a great source of inspiration. xo style, she wrote
ReplyDeletebagus deeeeh :O envy huhuu. apalagi yang tukang itu, keliatan banget texturenya.
ReplyDeleteWAH, foto2nya keren2 bgt tuh...
ReplyDeleteso artistic!
selamat pagi menjelang siang Ladyulia.bagus fhotonya,kalo ga" slh da fhoto bunga teratay tu ya...!!
ReplyDeletenice picture...amazing view.. :)
ReplyDeletefab pics :)
ReplyDeletewah ini kamu yang foto semua kah? aku suka yang foto jendela hitam putih itu, lebih gimana gitu perasaan pas lihatnya..
ReplyDeletesuka suka suka :D
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