Photo Hunter - PART I
On the Legislative Election day of Indonesia at April 9, 2009, Photography division of Andalas Sinema Organization hunted photo from TPS to TPS around Jati,Padang City. Unfortunately, not all of the members could joint with our event today. Only Mr. Reza (our Boss), Fadli, Tashia, Iim, Aldo, and me. Started at 10.00 a.m. six of us walking under the sunlight, hunted human interest photos. And then we took a rest at Unang Canteen, near Jati, to get a lunch, recharged our energy. Because, we still have to continue our photo hunting to Pondok, near of Siti Nurbaya Bridge. Which at pondok, Bang Reza shared some useful lesson about camera. Such as lens focus, taking model photos, and others. I put much attention about him explanation.

By the way, walking under the sun, turn my skin a little bit dark. Hiks! Turn my white skin….
unbranded long waist shirt, TJF jeans-Black series, white flat shoes:Dealova,
Bukittinggi made in scarf, Bag:Jobsi Leather brown
But, it’s not a big deal, because the result of my dark skin, I got some nice photos :
Tittle: Walking Together
By: Sony DSC-S750; 7.2 MP(forget)
Location: Around jati
tittle: Childrens of Heaven
camera: Sony DSC-S750
Location: SMA 10 Padang
tittle: thinking deeply
camera: Sony DSC-S750; 7,2 MP
Location: sma 10 Padang
Well, actually there are still so many photos to post, but still in another camera of my friends, also at bang Reza’s camera. Be patient, Mate! I promise I will post them later.
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