
I went to Telkom office in my city to complain about my Rp 50,000,- ( around $5) pulse which dissappear after I registered Flexi monthly internet package yesterday. I have already use Flexi internet service for 2 months but usually I register for Flexi daily internet package. Daily tariff is Rp 2,500 (around $0.3). because I want to save my money I try to register the Flexi monthly internet package because the tariff is Rp 50,000,- per month, so I can save money untill Rp 25,000,- (around $25). Usually, after I registered the Flexi internet package, there will be three new message come to my Flexi modem's inbox. But that time, the message came only one message said that I have registered for the Flexi monthly internet package. Because there was no more notification in my inbox, I thought I can directly used my Flexi modem to surf at the internet. But when I'm trying to connect my Flexi modem, it didn't work. Always and always. Then I checked my pulse, and yes, my Rp 50,000 pulse has gone already. I just refill my Flexi card's pulse 10 minutes before I registered the internet package at the kiosk near of my house. I don't know what to do and I decided to complain about my Flexi internet package to the Telkom service center yesterday. And surprisingly people who sits at the customer service at Telkom, they blame me for my misunderstanding of how to register the internet package. Sigh... They said I use the wrong way to register the package, meanwhile I have already register my every internet package like at the brochure they gave me for 2 months. Sigh,,, So, the right way to register is you have create new account at your modem, and put the username given from the message come to your inbox everytime you register the internet package of Flexi. Why they don't put that at the brochure? I think its such a public untruth since the company injure the customers who just follow the instruction at the brochure like me. If I could suggest for every profit organization, please be honest to your customer, trust me it wont make your company get financial loose if you do it. 

And these are my another hijab style of what I wore that day:

Hijab: Al Paris
Under hijab: unbranded
Sweater: unbranded
Pants: Somebody
Sandals: Zu Yi Lin
Bangles and hijab brooche: Unbranded
Bag: Yeye

to cheers your day up,,,
please kindly follow my blog if you like it

Change with me!
Yulia Rahmawati

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9 comment

  1. These companies behave in Indonesia like they do elsewhere: they don't give a damn about the customer whatever they say about their service.

    I really hope you will be able to cope with the situation.

    Anyhow the pictures show a fabulous lady in a great outfit! That's what counts really.

  2. @colson: its done Colson. I just hate that they don't put the real step to register at the brochure they give to me at the first time I bought their service

  3. maybe just the costumers service thinking if u understand about the flexy registration procedure, so they didn't explained about the step by step
    wow i like u'r pict looks nice

    (sorry my english is broken)lol


  4. i want to complain my flash modem :D

  5. Pink scarf looks very flattering to your face.. you look so fresh and radiant in healthy tone! Love it!

    The Picnic Girl

  6. Assalamu alaikum!
    kerudungnya keren mba ^_^

    salam kenal

  7. aku suka bgt cewek berkerudung, km modis banget ya orangnya, n you look so beautiful.. :)

  8. hi yulia,,I asked again about my red sling bag? hee sorry
    ini kode pos ku:40215
    sbnrnya kmrn dh ngaih kode post d comment..

  9. heiho yuliaa...
    maap baru mampir sini, apa kabar?

    hemm, mesti ati2 emang klo liat brosur/iklan2 gt suka ada yg menjebak klo ga teliti :D


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