
Maybe almost all the people in Indonesia or even in the world know that currently there is a huge amount of raindrops in Jakarta and caused flood. But I don't wanna talk much abouth the flood happen, because the most important is action not just saying. 

Since the flood tragedy happened, I stay at my boarding house almost every day, I just went far from my boarding house once, it was 2 days ago because I need to help my friends to teach a class in a kindergarten. In the mean time, I just stay at my boarding house and maximizing my activities indoor. Seeing the sunshine is such a magic time for me, even just for a while, because the rest of the current days is dark and grey.

Mom asks me to go back to my hometown, because all my family getting worries about me. Alhamdulillah, there is not flood inside the area of where my boarding house is. At the first day of the flood tragedy, I always keep watching to the outside of my boarding house from my room, just in case I need to pack my things and move to the second floor. But again Alhamdulillah the area of my boarding house is just okay. But yeah I heard that on January 27th, there will be huge amount of sea water climbing to the Jakarta land caused by the tide water from the sea, and it is potentially drown the Jakarta land. And yeah, all I can do is just keep aware, keep praying, and keep healthy. 

Maybe you ask why I still here and not just simply going back to my hometown to escape, but I'm waiting for a comprehension examination. Actually it will be held by January 19th, 2013 but yes, because of the flood and some other reason such as late data from lecturer caused by flood made my department have to postpone the examination. And until today there is no certainty about when the examination will be held. 

And guess what, I'm doing some experiment with bananas. I made chocolate banana fritters or in Bahasa Indonesia called "Pisang Goreng Cokelat". I never doing or eat chocolate banana fritters before, but I got the idea from my dream. Heheh. In my dream, I'm going to my photography school; Kelas Pagi Jakarta, but when I wanna going back home someone stop me and said that she has chocolate banana fritters for me  but then I woke up before tasting that chocolate banana fritters. And then I just simply bought "kepok" bananas at the traditional market near my of boarding house, filled it chocolate, and fried it with flour. I think, this chocolate banana fritters suits the rainy season very well. Here is the recipe of my chocolate banana fritters:

Chocolate Banana Fritters

  • Kepok bananas (pisang kepok). I used 6 bananas.
  • Chocolate bars, chopped. I used dark chocolate for only 1/2 bar.
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour.
  • 1 chicken egg,
  • 1 light table spoon butter
  • Salt (as you want)
  • Half cup of water.
  • Peel the bananas, and make a slice in the middle of the banana to put the chopped chocolate inside.
  • Mix egg, flour, salt, and butter. Add water until you get the right textures of the floor dough.
  • Heat the plant oil, fry the banana after rolled with the floor dough.
  • Fry the banana until it looks yellow and gold colors.
  • Dry the chocolate banana fritters, or you can put them on a tissue to absorb the oil.
  • And your chocolate banana fritters are ready to serve.
Just so you know, I was failed at my first try, the chocolate melting outside the bananas when I fried them. And here is my second try, I am glad I did it! Yeeaaaayyy! Hope you like it, and I would love to read your experience if you are trying to make it at home :)

Please kindly follow my blog if you like my 
blog post - Chocolate Banana Fritters

Following my heart,

Yulia Rahmawati

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22 comment

  1. such super duper cute dessert ,

    check out my latest post

  2. cocok banget nih makan pisang di cuaca yg hujan begini

  3. Hmmmmm .... the banana fritters looks delicious. I wish that I can have a bite.

  4. So January 27th will be D-day. Keep my fingers crossed for you and all Jakartans including my youngest son family.

    Bu that pisang-chocolate. Wow. A very tasty picture:). (I will pass the recipe on to my Indonesian daughter in law with a charming smile to ask her to...).

    By the way this sentence puzzles me:

    "....comprehension examination. Actually it will be held by January 19th, 2012 but yes, because of the flood and some other reason such as late data from lecturer caused by flood made my department have to postpone the examination".

    That's some kind of postponement... over a year! LOL.

  5. looks so yummy, I will try it soon! <3
    thanks for your comment on my blog
    wanna follow each other? I have followed you now :D

    Keep in touch <3

  6. This fried banana seems very delicious taste, especially when served with a cup of hot tea

  7. yummm! looks so good but so bad for you.

  8. Mhmm I love banana fritter
    in Indonesia style! We have
    that in Holland as well c:
    Thanks for the recipe!


  9. yummy. Wyślij SMS o treści J00034 Na numer 7122

  10. Mmm looks so good! Sorry about the flood! Hope things get better!

    Sun and Sany

  11. Yummy. Great day.

  12. Berteman secangkir kopi tambah mantap. Lain waktu ingin mencoba mempratekan menunya.

  13. Yumy ! Yumy ! simple recipe to thank you for the adviceb.

  14. beautiful blog!
    follow each other?

  15. WOW Yulia this looks so good !!!!
    banana and chocolate DO sound like a dream-


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