
اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

Talking about 2016 shopping guidelines, if you follow my blog you might read about my last year shopping guidelines or you can read it here. I break the first point of the guideline since there was many things that I really need to buy. But I was good on another point, and I even did not buy anything at all on some points. 

I don't know exactly how many clothes that I bought last year. I told you that I'm going to share every single fashion things that I bought here so I can see the growth of my closet. Apparently I forgot to write about that everytime I made a purchase. This year I make a promise to myself to share every single (fashion) thing that I bought here in my blog. Here is the guidelines:

2016 SHOPPING GUIDELINES / 365 days:
# 12 statement pieces of clothes (top, outerwear, bottoms, you name it)
# 5 basic pieces (manset, under hijab,etc)
# 3 pairs of shoes
# 2 bags, I'm looking for a good quality of classic bags that will last forever.
# 5 statement accessories
# 5 underwear, I have some stocks inside my closet. Got freebies from Luludi brand last year. Yay!
# 2 scarves

I really hope that I can stick with the guidelines. I also want to repeat my "30 days challenge not to buy anything new except bus ticket and food" to protect myself from buying useless things. I hope I can beat the challenge this year! You can read about the challenge here and the result here.

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Follow your heart,

Yulia Rahmawati

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